Compute the regular payments for a loan

C# A Beginner's Guide
By Schildt
Publisher: Osborne McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0072133295
Project 2-3
Compute the regular payments for a loan.
Call this file RegPay.cs
using System;
public class RegPay {
public static void Main() {
decimal Principal; // original principal
decimal IntRate; // interest rate as a decimal, such as 0.075
decimal PayPerYear; // number of payments per year
decimal NumYears; // number of years
decimal Payment; // the regular payment
decimal numer, denom; // temporary work variables
double b, e; // base and exponent for call to Pow()
Principal = 10000.00m;
IntRate = 0.075m;
PayPerYear = 12.0m;
NumYears = 5.0m;
numer = IntRate * Principal / PayPerYear;
e = (double) -(PayPerYear * NumYears);
b = (double) (IntRate / PayPerYear) + 1;
denom = 1 - (decimal) Math.Pow(b, e);
Payment = numer / denom;
Console.WriteLine("Payment is {0:C}", Payment);
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