Use properties to set and get private members

C#: The Complete Reference
by Herbert Schildt
Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (March 8, 2002)
ISBN: 0072134852
// Use properties to set and get private members.
using System;
// A class for two-dimensional objects.
class TwoDShape {
double pri_width; // now private
double pri_height; // now private
// Properties for width and height.
public double width {
get { return pri_width; }
set { pri_width = value; }
public double height {
get { return pri_height; }
set { pri_height = value; }
public void showDim() {
Console.WriteLine("Width and height are " +
width + " and " + height);
// A derived class of TwoDShape for triangles.
class Triangle : TwoDShape {
public string style; // style of triangle
// Return area of triangle.
public double area() {
return width * height / 2;
// Display a triangle's style.
public void showStyle() {
Console.WriteLine("Triangle is " + style);
public class Shapes2 {
public static void Main() {
Triangle t1 = new Triangle();
Triangle t2 = new Triangle();
t1.width = 4.0;
t1.height = 4.0; = "isosceles";
t2.width = 8.0;
t2.height = 12.0; = "right";
Console.WriteLine("Info for t1: ");
Console.WriteLine("Area is " + t1.area());
Console.WriteLine("Info for t2: ");
Console.WriteLine("Area is " + t2.area());
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