Object assignment : Object Instance « Class Interface « C# / C Sharp

Object assignment


using System;
public class Foo
    public int i;
class RefTest1App
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Foo test1 = new Foo();
        test1.i = 1;
        Foo test2 = new Foo();
        test2.i = 2;
        Console.WriteLine("BEFORE OBJECT ASSIGNMENT");
        Console.WriteLine("test1.i={0}", test1.i);
        Console.WriteLine("test2.i={0}", test2.i);
        test1 = test2;
        Console.WriteLine("AFTER OBJECT ASSIGNMENT");
        Console.WriteLine("test1.i={0}", test1.i);
        Console.WriteLine("test2.i={0}", test2.i);
        test1.i = 42;
        Console.WriteLine("AFTER CHANGE TO ONLY TEST1 MEMBER");
        Console.WriteLine("test1.i={0}", test1.i);
        Console.WriteLine("test2.i={0}", test2.i);


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