Demonstrates the use of a virtual property to override a base class property

C# Programming Tips & Techniques
by Charles Wright, Kris Jamsa
Publisher: Osborne/McGraw-Hill (December 28, 2001)
ISBN: 0072193794
// VProp.cs -- Demonstrates the use of a virtual method to override
// a base class method.
// Compile this program with the following command line:
// C:>csc VProp.cs
namespace nsVirtual
using System;
public class VPropclsMain
static public void Main ()
clsBase Base = new clsBase();
clsFirst First = new clsFirst();
Base.SetString ("This should set the base class property");
First.SetString ("This should set the derived class property");
Console.WriteLine (Base.GetString());
Console.WriteLine (First.GetString());
class clsBase
public void SetString (string str)
StrProp = str;
public string GetString ()
return (StrProp);
virtual protected string StrProp
Console.WriteLine ("Getting Base string");
return (m_BaseString);
Console.WriteLine ("Setting Base string");
m_BaseString = value;
private string m_BaseString = "";
class clsFirst : clsBase
override protected string StrProp
Console.WriteLine ("Getting derived string");
return (m_DerivedString);
Console.WriteLine ("Setting derived string");
m_DerivedString = value;
private string m_DerivedString = "";
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