Conversions Between Structs 1
A Programmer's Introduction to C# (Second Edition)
by Eric Gunnerson
Publisher: Apress L.P.
ISBN: 1-893115-62-3
// 24 - User-Defined Conversions\Conversions Between Structs
// copyright 2000 Eric Gunnerson
using System;
using System.Text;
struct RomanNumeral
public RomanNumeral(short value)
if (value > 5000)
throw(new ArgumentOutOfRangeException());
this.value = value;
public static explicit operator RomanNumeral(
short value)
RomanNumeral retval;
retval = new RomanNumeral(value);
public static implicit operator short(
RomanNumeral roman)
static string NumberString(
ref int value, int magnitude, char letter)
StringBuilder numberString = new StringBuilder();
while (value >= magnitude)
value -= magnitude;
public static implicit operator string(
RomanNumeral roman)
int temp = roman.value;
StringBuilder retval = new StringBuilder();
retval.Append(RomanNumeral.NumberString(ref temp, 1000, 'M'));
retval.Append(RomanNumeral.NumberString(ref temp, 500, 'D'));
retval.Append(RomanNumeral.NumberString(ref temp, 100, 'C'));
retval.Append(RomanNumeral.NumberString(ref temp, 50, 'L'));
retval.Append(RomanNumeral.NumberString(ref temp, 10, 'X'));
retval.Append(RomanNumeral.NumberString(ref temp, 5, 'V'));
retval.Append(RomanNumeral.NumberString(ref temp, 1, 'I'));
public static implicit operator BinaryNumeral(RomanNumeral roman)
return(new BinaryNumeral((short) roman));
public static explicit operator RomanNumeral(
BinaryNumeral binary)
return(new RomanNumeral((short) binary));
private short value;
struct BinaryNumeral
public BinaryNumeral(int value)
this.value = value;
public static implicit operator BinaryNumeral(
int value)
BinaryNumeral retval = new BinaryNumeral(value);
public static implicit operator int(
BinaryNumeral binary)
public static implicit operator string(
BinaryNumeral binary)
StringBuilder retval = new StringBuilder();
private int value;
public class ConversionsConversionsBetweenStructs2
public static void Main()
RomanNumeral roman = new RomanNumeral(122);
BinaryNumeral binary;
binary = roman;
roman = (RomanNumeral) binary;
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