tm structure : tm « time.h « C / ANSI-C

tm structure

The tm structure contains the following members

  int tm_sec;  /* seconds, 0-60 */
  int tm_min;  /* minutes, 0-59 */
  int tm_hour; /* hours, 0-23 */
  int tm_mday; /* day of the month, 1-31 */
  int tm_mon;  /* months since Jan, 0-11 */
  int tm_year; /* years from 1900 */
  int tm_wday; /* days since Sunday, 0-6 */
  int tm_yday; /* days since Jan 1, 0-365 */
  int tm_isdst /* Daylight Saving Time indicator */

tm_isdst is positive during daylight saving time, zero if it not, and 
negative if there is no information available.


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