Add Button from layout xml file : Button « UI « Android

Add Button from layout xml file


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      android:lines="1" />
      android:text="@string/go_button" />


Related examples in the same category

1.Add Button to Activity
2.Add button on click listener
3.Button on click event
4.Get data from RadioButton
5.Set one of the three radio buttons to be selected by default, using android:checked = "true".
6.Load Button from layout xml file and add action listener
7.Add listener to Toggle Button
8.Layout Radio buttons with RadioGroup
9.Layout Button inside Activity
10.Using switch statement to check the RadioButton selection
11.ImageButton Demo
12.Set Button text in xml file
13.Is ToggleButton selected
14.Set Button width and height
15.Show or hide button
16.Using ImageButton
17.Clear RadioButton selection
18.Add key listener to add the new todo item when the middle D-pad button is pressed.
19.Set ToggleButton on/off text
20.Using Button to control MediaPlayer
21.Button Gallery
22.A gallery of basic controls: Button, EditText, RadioButton, Checkbox, Spinner. This example uses the light theme.
23.A list view that demonstrates the use of setEmptyView. This example alos uses a custom layout file that adds some extra buttons to the screen.
24.This demonstrates the use of the PopupMenu class. Clicking the button will inflate and show a popup menu from an XML resource.
25.Adding a radio button programmatically
26.extends Button
27.Create Button
28.Create Image Button