Format File Size:KB, MB, GB : File « File « Android

Format File Size:KB, MB, GB

// Created by plusminus on 22:42:55 - 12.11.2008
//package org.andnav2.util;

class FileSizeFormatter {
  private static final String BYTES = "Bytes";
  private static final String MEGABYTES = "MB";
  private static final String KILOBYTES = "kB";
  private static final String GIGABYTES = "GB";
  private static final long KILO = 1024;
  private static final long MEGA = KILO * 1024;
  private static final long GIGA = MEGA * 1024;

  public static String formatFileSize(final long pBytes){
    if(pBytes < KILO){
      return pBytes + BYTES;
    }else if(pBytes < MEGA){
      return (int)(0.5 + (pBytes / (double)KILO)) + KILOBYTES;
    }else if(pBytes < GIGA){
      return (int)(0.5 + (pBytes / (double)MEGA)) + MEGABYTES;
    }else {
      return (int)(0.5 + (pBytes / (double)GIGA)) + GIGABYTES;


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