line string reader in J2ME
* line string reader in J2ME
* @author celon
public class TextFileReader extends Reader {
private InputStream is;
private byte[] buffer = new byte[65535];
private int index = buffer.length;
private StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
private boolean fileEOF = false;
private int scanEndIndex;
private static final String UTF_ENCODE = "UTF-8";
private static final char endChar = '\n';
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public TextFileReader(InputStream _is) {
is = _is;
public void close() throws IOException {
* never use it
public int read(char[] cbuf, int off, int len) throws IOException {
return 0;
* read a line from text file, return null when get EOF
* @return
* @throws IOException
public String readLine() throws IOException {
boolean endFound = false;
while (!endFound) {
//add string to buffer until found endChar
if (!fileEOF) {
scanEndIndex = buffer.length;
if (index >= buffer.length) {
//reload from file and reset index
int bufferByteNum = readToBuffer();
index = 0;
if (bufferByteNum < buffer.length) {
scanEndIndex = bufferByteNum;
fileEOF = true;
for (; index < scanEndIndex; index++) {
if (buffer[index] == endChar) {
//found line end
endFound = true;
//skip endChar
return returnBuffer();
} else {
//append to buffer
sb.append((char) (buffer[index]));
if (endFound) {
return returnBuffer();
} else if (fileEOF) {
return returnBuffer();
return null;
private int readToBuffer() throws IOException {
int result =;
return result;
private String returnBuffer() {
if (sb.length() == 0)
return null;
byte[] data = new byte[sb.length()];
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
data[i] = (byte) (sb.charAt(i));
String result = null;
try {
result = new String(data, UTF_ENCODE);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
//clear buffer
sb.delete(0, sb.length());
return result;
Related examples in the same category
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2. | Split first with | | |
3. | split By Space and save result to a List | | |
4. | Space trim | | |
5. | truncate by length | | |
6. | Remove all blanks | | |
7. | Is a string a Number | | |
8. | Random string | | |
9. | Tokenizer. Why? Because StringTokenizer is not available in J2ME. | | |
10. | String resource | | |
11. | Shows creating text with links from HTML in the Java code, rather than from a string resource. Note that for a | | |
12. | Join a collection of strings by a seperator | | |
13. | Tests if a string is blank: null, emtpy, or only whitespace (" ", \r\n, \t, etc) | | |
14. | Tests if a string is numeric, i.e. contains only digit characters | | |
15. | Writer implementation that outputs to a StringBuilder | | |
16. | Gets the device's phone number as a String. | | |
17. | Inspects a link Configuration through reflection API to generate a human readable String with values replaced with their constants names. | | |
18. | Returns a String representation of the content of a android.view.Display object. | | |
19. | Get String Element Value | | |
20. | Join strings | | |
21. | Find two consecutive newlines in a string. | | |
22. | Retrieve a boolean primitive type from a String. | | |
23. | Trim char from string | | |
24. | Returns true if the string does not fit in standard ASCII | | |
25. | Returns true if the given string is null or empty. | | |
26. | 4 octets in address string | | |
27. | Add space to CSV string | | |
28. | String fast Split | | |
29. | Split a String by a Character, i.e. Split lines by using '\n' | | |
30. | String Capitalizer | | |
31. | Count char in a string | | |
32. | Search char in a string from a starting position | | |
33. | load String From Raw Resource | | |
34. | Join Collection of String | | |
35. | Padding a string, truncate a string | | |
36. | Converts a string to title casing. | | |
37. | reversing String | | |
38. | load Resource To String | | |
39. | convert Duration to String | | |
40. | Convert string from one encoding to another | | |
41. | Object to String and String to Object | | |
42. | IP to String | | |
43. | Convert string to bumber and convert number to string | | |
44. | String to Map with token | | |
45. | Generate the client id, which is a fixed string of length 8 concatenated with 12 random bytes | | |
46. | StringBuilder Writer | | |
47. | Return a specific raw resource contents as a String value. | | |
48. | Returns the ISO 8601-format String corresponding to the given duration (measured in milliseconds). | | |
49. | Returns a string representation of the given number of nanoseconds. | | |
50. | Simple Tokenizer | | |
51. | split By Space | | |
52. | Pad Front | | |
53. | Count Occurrences | | |
54. | Padding Left | | |
55. | captalize Words | | |
56. | Tokenizer Utils | | |
57. | Returns space padding | | |
58. | Normalise Whitespace | | |
59. | Removes unwanted blank characters | | |
60. | Removes unwanted backslashes characters | | |
61. | equals Ignore Case | | |
62. | A method to decode/encode quoted printable encoded data | | |
63. | Title Name Parser | | |
64. | Split Camal Case | | |
65. | Split and combine by token | | |
66. | Shorten text for display in lists etc. | | |