In case of page error, write log to system event log (C#) : Log Error « Page « ASP.Net

In case of page error, write log to system event log (C#)

<%@ Import Namespace="System.Diagnostics" %>
<script Language="c#" runat="server" >
  void EntrytoLog()
    int[] array = new int[9];
    for(int intCounter=0; intCounter <= 9;intCounter++)
       array[intCounter] = intCounter;
       Response.Write("The value of the counter is:" + intCounter + "<br>");
  void Page_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string errorMessage = "Error occurred" + Server.GetLastError();
    string LogName = "MyApplicationLog";
    string SourceName = "MyApplicationSource";
    if (!(EventLog.SourceExists(SourceName)))
       EventLog.CreateEventSource(SourceName, LogName);
    // Insert into Event Log;
    EventLog MyLog = new EventLog();
    MyLog.Source = SourceName;
    MyLog.WriteEntry(errorMessage, EventLogEntryType.Error);


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