HTML Control: Input (C#) : TextBox « HTML Control « ASP.Net

HTML Control: Input (C#)

<%@ Page Language="C#" %>

<script runat=server>
protected void Page_Load(object src, EventArgs e)
  if (IsPostBack)
    int op1 = int.Parse(_op.Value);
    int op2 = int.Parse(_sum.InnerText);
    _sum.InnerText = (op1+op2).ToString();
  <form runat=server>
    <h2>ASP.NET accumulator page</h2>
    <input size=2 type=text id=_op runat=server/>
    Sum:<span id=_sum runat=server>0</span>
     <input type=submit value="Add" />


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1.Using an HTML Form Control: get value in input box and display (