Get Base Exception : HttpException « Development « ASP.Net

Get Base Exception

<%@ Page Language="vb" %>
   <script runat="server">
      Sub Page_Load()
            Dim myHttpEx As _
               New HttpException("This is the original exception")
            Dim myHttpEx2 As _
               New HttpException("This is a nested exception", myHttpEx)
            Throw New HttpException("Threw an exception from Page_Load", myHttpEx2)
         Catch HttpEx As HttpException
            Dim InnerHttpEx As HttpException
            InnerHttpEx = HttpEx.InnerException
            Message.Text = "ERROR:</br>"
            Message.Text &= "Message: " & HttpEx.Message & "</br>"
            Message.Text &= "Inner Exception Message: " & _
               InnerHttpEx.Message & "</br>"
            Message.Text &= "Base Exception Message: " & _
               InnerHttpEx.GetBaseException.Message & "</br>"
         End Try
      End Sub
   <asp:label id="Message" forecolor="red" runat="server"/>


Related examples in the same category

1.HttpException: Message
2.HttpException: HelpLink
3.HttpException: ErrorCode
4.HttpException: StackTrace
5.HttpException: GetHtmlErrorMessage()
6.HttpException: GetHttpCode()
7.Create a HttpException with error code
8.Inner Exception
9.Get Html Error Message()
10.Get Http Code from HttpException
11.Indicate the Help link for Http Exception
12.Get an Innter Exception Out
13.Set Http Exception Message
14.Convert Http Exception to String
15.Http Exception Target Site
16.Http Exception Source
17.Http Exception Stace Trace