V$ Views

The following table has the dynamic performance views. You need DBA privileges to access these views.

View NameDescription
V$BGPROCESSOracle background processes
V$CONTROLFILEThe names of the control files
V$DATABASEInformation about the database from the control file
V$DATAFILEInformation about the data files from the control file
V$ENABLEDPRIVSEnabled privileges
V$FILESTATI/O activity per data file
V$FIXED_TABLEDisplays all dynamic performance tables, views, and derived tables
V$FIXED_VIEW_DEFINITIONDisplays the definitions of all the fixed views
V$INSTANCEStatus about the instance
V$LICENSEAbout license limits
V$LOCKabout active locks
V$MYSTATStatistics for the current session
V$NLS_PARAMETERSCurrent NLS parameter values
V$NLS_VALID_VALUESAll valid values for NLS parameters
V$OPTIONThe installed Oracle options
V$PARAMETERCurrent initialization parameter values for the session
V$PROCESSInformation about all active processes
V$RESERVED_WORDSAll keywords used by the PL/SQL compiler
V$SESS_IOI/O statistics for all active sessions
V$SESSIONAbout all active sessions
V$SESSION_EVENTWaits for an event by a session
V$SESSION_LONGOPSStatus of operations that run for longer than 6 seconds
V$SESSION_WAITResources or events for which active sessions are waiting
V$SESSTATUser session statistics
V$SGARhe shared global area
V$SGASTATSGA components
V$SPPARAMETERThe contents of the server parameter file
V$SQLSQL statements in memory
V$SQLAREAAggregated information about SQL statements in memory
V$SQL_PLANExecution plan information for SQL statements in memory
V$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICSExecution statistics of SQL statements in memory
V$SQLTEXTThe text of SQL statements in memory
V$SQLTEXT_WITH_NEWLINESSame as V$SQLTEXT, with improved legibility
V$SYSSTATAll system statistics
V$SYSTEM_PARAMETERInformation about the initialization parameters in effect
V$TABLESPACEAll tablespaces
V$TIMERInternal clock, in hundredths of a second
V$TIMEZONE_NAMESList of names and abbreviations of time zones
V$TRANSACTIONAll active transactions
V$VERSIONVersion information about installed Oracle products
V$WAITSTATBlock contention statistics
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