Keywords And Reserved Words

The complete list of JavaScript keywords is:

break        do           instanceof    typeof 
case         else         new           var 
catch        finally      return        void 
continue     for          switch        while 
debugger     function     this          with 
default      if           throw 
delete       in           try

The following is the complete list of reserved words for future use:

abstract      enum           int             public          yield
boolean       export         interface       short
byte          extends        long            static
char          final          let             super
class         float          native          synchronized 
const         goto           package         throws 
debugger      implements     private         transient 
double        import         protected       volatile
  JavaScript Book 
    Language Basics  

Language Basics:
  1. Case-sensitivity
  2. Identifiers
  4. Strict Mode
  5. Statements
  6. Keywords And Reserved Words
  7. Variables