The Object Type

Object type can be used to store and transmit data.

There are two ways to create an instance of Object. The first is to use the new operator with the Object constructor:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var tutorial = new Object(); = "JavaScript"; 
        tutorial.pageSize = 9; 
        document.writeln(; //JavaScript
        document.writeln(tutorial.pageSize); //9
Click to view the demo

The other way is to use object literal notation.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var tutorial = {
         name : "JavaScript",
         pageSize : 9 
        document.writeln(; //JavaScript
        document.writeln(tutorial.pageSize); //9
Click to view the demo

A comma separates properties in an object literal. There is no need to add comma for the last property.

Property names can also be specified as strings or numbers:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var tutorial= {
            "name" : "JavaScript", 
            "pageSize" : 9,
             1: true 
        document.writeln(; //JavaScript
        document.writeln(tutorial.pageSize); //9
        document.writeln(tutorial["1"]); //
Click to view the demo

Using Functions as Methods

You can add functions to an object.

  <script type="text/javascript">
    var myData = {
      name : "JavaScript",
      weather : "Good",
      printMessages : function() {
        document.writeln("Hello " + + ". ");
        document.writeln("Today is " + + ".");
Click to view the demo

A numeric property names are automatically converted to strings.

Create an object with only the default properties and methods using object literal notation.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var tutorial = {}; //same as new Object() = "JavaScript"; 
        tutorial.pageSize = 9; 
        document.writeln(; //JavaScript
        document.writeln(tutorial.pageSize); //9       
Click to view the demo

Object literals can also be used to pass a large number of optional arguments to a function:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function displayInfo(args) { 
            if (typeof == "string"){ 
                document.writeln("Name: " +; 
            if (typeof args.pageSize == "number") { 
                document.writeln("PageSize: " + args.age); 
              name: "JavaScript", 
              pageSize: 9 
             name: "HTML" 
Click to view the demo

Access properties via bracket notation

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var tutorial = {
         name : "JavaScript",
         pageSize : 9 
        document.writeln(tutorial["name"]); //"JavaScript" 
        document.writeln(; //"JavaScript" 
Click to view the demo

Use variables for property access:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var tutorial = {
         name : "JavaScript",
         pageSize : 9 
        var propertyName = "name"; 
        document.writeln(tutorial[propertyName]); //"JavaScript" 
Click to view the demo

Use bracket notation when the property name contains space:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var tutorial = {
         "tutorial name" : "JavaScript",
         pageSize : 9 
        document.writeln(tutorial["tutorial name"]); 
Click to view the demo
  JavaScript Book 
    Essential Types  

  1. The Object Type
  2. Enumerating an Object's Properties
  3. Adding and Deleting Properties and Methods
  4. Add new methods to an object
  5. Delete a property or method from an object
  6. Determine If an Object Has a Property
  7. Performing Equality and Identity Tests on Objects