Returning a function from a function

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function createComparisonFunction(propertyName) {
           return function(object1, object2){ 
              var value1 = object1[propertyName]; 
              var value2 = object2[propertyName];
              if (value1 < value2){ 
                 return -1; 
              } else if (value1 > value2){ 
                 return 1; 
              } else { 
                 return 0; 
        var data = [{name: "XML", pageSize: 28}, {name: "JavaScript", pageSize: 29}]; 
        document.writeln(data[0].name); //JavaScript 
        document.writeln(data[0].name); //XML
Click to view the demo
  JavaScript Book 
    Essential Types  

  1. The Function Type
  2. Function Declarations versus Function Expressions
  3. Functions as Values
  4. Returning a function from a function
  5. Function arguments
  6. this for function context
  7. Function caller
  8. Function length property
  9. Function apply()
  10. method
  11. Function's bind() method
  12. Function toLocaleString() and toString()