Array reduce()

reduce() is reduction method. reduce() iterates all items and build up a value for return. reduce() starts at the first item and traveling toward the last.

reduce() accepts two arguments:

  • a function to call on each item
  • an optional initial value

The function passed into reduce() accepts four arguments:

  • the previous value,
  • the current value,
  • the item's index,
  • the array object.

The returned value from the function is passed in as the first argument for the next item. The first iteration occurs on the second item in the array.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var values = [1,2,3,4,5]; 
        var sum = values.reduce(function(prev, cur, index, array){
            return prev + cur; 
        document.writeln(sum); //15 
Click to view the demo
  JavaScript Book 
    Essential Types  

  1. The Array Type
  2. Array Built-in Methods
  3. Detecting Arrays
  4. Get and set array values
  5. Enumerating the Contents of an Array
  6. Array Length
  7. Array join() method
  8. Array concat()
  9. Array indexOf()
  10. Array lastIndexOf()
  11. Array every()
  12. Array filter() filters array with the given function.
  13. Array map()
  14. Array forEach()
  15. push() and pop():Array Stack Methods
  16. push(), shift():Array Queue Methods
  17. Array reduce()
  18. Array reduceRight()
  19. reverse():Reordering array
  20. Array slice()
  21. Array some()
  22. Array splice()
  23. Array sort()
  24. toString(), toLocaleString() and valueOf Array
  25. Array unshift()