window.moveBy(distance, distance)

        <script type="text/javascript"> 
            //move the window down by 100 pixels 
            window.moveBy(0, 100); 

Click to view the demo

The following code moves window to the left.

        <script type="text/javascript"> 
            //move the window left by 50 pixels 
            window.moveBy(-50, 0); 

Click to view the demo
  JavaScript Book 

  1. The Window Object
  2. The Window Events
  3. window.alert() or alert()
  4. window.close()
  5. window.confirm() or confirm()
  6. window.find() displays find dialog
  7. window's outer width and height, inner height and width
  8. window.location
  9. window.moveBy(distance, distance)
  10. window.moveTo(x,y) moves the window to the upper-left coordinate
  12. window.print()
  13. window.prompt() and prompt()
  14. window.resizeTo(x,y) and window.resizeBy(xDelta,yDelta)
  15. window.scrollTo(x,y)
  16. window.screenLeft, window.screenX, window.screenTop, window.screenY
  17. window.setInterval() or setInterval()
  18. window.setTimeout() or setTimeout()
  19. Pop-up Blockers