Using Properties to Obtain Element Objects
<pre id="results"></pre>
<img id="A" name="image" src="l.png" alt="lemon"/>
<img id="B" name="image" src="a.png" alt="apple"/>
var elems = document["apple"];
if (elems.namedItem) {
for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
document.writeln("Image Element: " + elems[i].id);
} else {
document.writeln("Src for element is: " + elems.src);
JavaScript Book
JavaScript Book
- The Document Object
- document.body returns the body element as HTMLBodyElement
- document.characterSet returns document character set encoding
- document.charset gets or sets the document character set encoding
- document.compatMode
- document.cookie reads and writes cookies
- document.defaultCharset gets the default character encoding
- document.defaultView
- document.getElementsByTagName( tagName )
- document.getElementsByClassName ( className )
- document.getElementsByName ( nameOfNameAttribute )
- document.images gets all the img elements and returns HTMLCollection storing all images
- document.lastModified returns the last modified time of the document
- document.location returns the URL of the current document as Location class
- document.implementation property has information about the implementation of the DOM features
- document.querySelectorAll gets all of the elements that match the specified CSS selector
- document.readyState
- document.title returns the document title, changes the document title
- document.URL property returns the URL of the current document
- document.writeln() appends content to the end of the HTML document
- Using Properties to Obtain Element Objects