Console: readLine(String fmt, Object... args)

String readLine()
Reads a single line of text from the console.
String readLine(String fmt, Object... args)
Provides a formatted prompt, then reads a single line of text from the console.

import java.util.Arrays;

public class Main {

  public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {

    Console c = System.console();
    if (c == null) {
      System.err.println("No console.");

    String login = c.readLine("Enter your login: ");
    char[] oldPassword = c.readPassword("Enter your old password: ");

    if (verify(login, oldPassword)) {
      boolean noMatch;
      do {
        char[] newPassword1 = c.readPassword("Enter your new password: ");
        char[] newPassword2 = c.readPassword("Enter new password again: ");
        noMatch = !Arrays.equals(newPassword1, newPassword2);
        if (noMatch) {
          c.format("Passwords don't match. Try again.%n");
        } else {
          change(login, newPassword1);
          c.format("Password for %s changed.%n", login);
        Arrays.fill(newPassword1, ' ');
        Arrays.fill(newPassword2, ' ');
      } while (noMatch);

    Arrays.fill(oldPassword, ' ');


  // Dummy verify method.
  static boolean verify(String login, char[] password) {
    return true;

  // Dummy change method.
  static void change(String login, char[] password) {
  Java Book 
    File Stream  

  1. The Console Class
  2. Console: readLine(String fmt, Object... args)
  3. Console: readPassword(String fmt, Object... args)