Data Type Format
- Decimal Format with different Symbols
- 0 symbol shows a digit or 0 if no digit present
- Currency value
- Decimal separator is set to "|"
- Fraction Digits Minimum
- Fraction Digits Maximum
- Group separators and show trailing zeroes
- Leading zeroes
- Percentage
- Round number to fewer decimals
- Scientific notation: 0.######E0 and 0.0E0
- . symbol indicates the decimal point
- ; symbol specifies an alternate pattern for negative values
- ' symbol quotes literal symbols
- The number of # to the left of the decimal point sets the multiple of the exponent.
- Locale format
- Locale US default format
- Number Format:0.00
- Number Format:#.#
- Number Format:abc#
- Number Format:00E00 and 000E00
- Number Format:0000000000E0
- Number Format:#.######
- Number Format:#.000000
- Number Format:.######
- Number Format:#,###,###
- Number Format:##00
- Number Format:00.00E0
- Number Format:0.######E0
- Number Format:000000E0
- Parse a string to a number using a NumberFormat