Compare File Dates


public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Get the timestamp from file 1
    String f1 = "run.bat";
    long d1 = new File(f1).lastModified();

    // Get the timestamp from file 2
    String f2 = "build.xml";
    long d2 = new File(f2).lastModified();

    String relation;
    if (d1 == d2)
      relation = "the same age as";
    else if (d1 < d2)
      relation = "older than";
      relation = "newer than";
    System.out.println(f1 + " is " + relation + ' ' + f2);
  Java Book 
    Runnable examples  

IO File:
  1. Compare File Dates
  2. Compress files using with ZIP
  3. Concatenate files
  4. Copy a File with NIO FileChannel and ByteBuffer
  5. Copy a file with FileReader and FileWriter
  6. Copy a file with InputStream and OutputStream
  7. Copy a file and overwrite
  8. Delete a file
  9. Delete File Recursively
  10. Get readable file size
  11. Move a file
  12. Rename a file
  13. Report a file's status
  14. Search a file by regular expressions
  15. Touch a file: set File Last Modified Time