TimeZone class

TimeZone represents a time zone offset, and daylight savings.

You get a TimeZone using getDefault(). getDefault() creates a TimeZone based on the time zone where the program is running. You can also get a TimeZone using getTimeZone along with a time zone ID.

You can get a U.S. Pacific Time TimeZone object with:

TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles");

You can use the getAvailableIDs method to iterate through all the supported time zone IDs. You can then choose a supported ID to get a TimeZone.

If the time zone you want is not represented by one of the supported IDs, then a custom time zone ID can be specified to produce a TimeZone.

The syntax of a custom time zone ID is:

             GMT Sign Hours : Minutes
             GMT Sign Hours Minutes
             GMT Sign Hours
     Sign: one of
             + -
             Digit Digit
             Digit Digit
     Digit: one of
             0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Hours must be between 0 to 23 and

Minutes must be between 00 to 59.

For example, "GMT+10" and "GMT+0010" mean ten hours and ten minutes ahead of GMT, respectively.

The format is locale independent and digits must be taken from the Basic Latin block of the Unicode standard.

No daylight saving time transition schedule can be specified with a custom time zone ID.

If the specified string doesn't match the syntax, "GMT" is used.

When creating a TimeZone, the specified custom time zone ID is normalized in the following syntax:

             GMT Sign TwoDigitHours : Minutes
     Sign: one of
             + -
             Digit Digit
             Digit Digit
     Digit: one of
             0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

For example, TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT-8").getID() returns "GMT-08:00".

Display Name formatter

static intLONGA style specifier for getDisplayName() indicating a long name, such as "Pacific Standard Time."
static intSHORTA style specifier for getDisplayName() indicating a short name, such as "PST."

TimeZone()Sole constructor.

Create TimeZone

static TimeZonegetDefault()Gets the default TimeZone for this host.
static TimeZonegetTimeZone(String ID)Gets the TimeZone for the given ID.

Get availablve timezone ids

static String[]getAvailableIDs()Gets all the available IDs supported.
static String[]getAvailableIDs(int rawOffset)Gets the available IDs according to the given time zone offset in milliseconds.

Get display name for a timezone

StringgetDisplayName()Returns a name of this time zone suitable for presentation to the user in the default locale.
StringgetDisplayName(boolean daylight, int style)Returns a name of this time zone suitable for presentation to the user in the default locale.
StringgetDisplayName(boolean daylight, int style, Locale locale)Returns a name of this time zone suitable for presentation to the user in the specified locale.
StringgetDisplayName(Locale locale)Returns a name of this time zone suitable for presentation to the user in the specified locale.

Get daylight saving

intgetDSTSavings()Returns the amount of time to be added to local standard time to get local wall clock time.
abstract booleaninDaylightTime(Date date)Queries if the given date is in daylight savings time in this time zone.
abstract booleanuseDaylightTime()Queries if this time zone uses daylight savings time.

Change the time zone

static voidsetDefault(TimeZone zone)Sets the TimeZone that is returned by the getDefault method.
voidsetID(String ID)Sets the time zone ID.
abstract voidsetRawOffset(int offsetMillis)Sets the base time zone offset to GMT.

Clone a timezone

Objectclone()Creates a copy of this TimeZone.

Get timezone id

StringgetID()Gets the ID of this time zone.

Get timezone offset

abstract intgetOffset(int era, int year, int month, int day, int dayOfWeek, int milliseconds)Gets the time zone offset, for current date, modified in case of daylight savings.
intgetOffset(long date)Returns the offset of this time zone from UTC at the specified date.
abstract intgetRawOffset()Returns the amount of time in milliseconds to add to UTC to get standard time in this time zone.

Compare two timezones

booleanhasSameRules(TimeZone other)Returns true if this zone has the same rule and offset as another zone.
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