ProcessBuilder class

This class is used to create operating system processes.

Create ProcessBuilder

ProcessBuilder(List<String> command) Creates a process builder with the specified operating system program and arguments.
ProcessBuilder(String... command)Creates a process builder with the specified operating system program and arguments.

Execute system command

List<String>command()Returns this process builder's operating system program and arguments.
ProcessBuilder command(List<String> command) Sets this process builder's operating system program and arguments.
ProcessBuildercommand(String... command)Sets this process builder's operating system program and arguments.

Get/set the working directory

Filedirectory()Returns this process builder's working directory.
ProcessBuilderdirectory(File directory)Sets this process builder's working directory.

Get the environment variables

Map<String,String>environment()Returns a string map view of this process builder's environment.

Redirect error stream

booleanredirectErrorStream()Tells whether this process builder merges standard error and standard output.
ProcessBuilderredirectErrorStream(boolean redirectErrorStream)Sets this process builder's redirectErrorStream property.

Start a new process

Processstart()Starts a new process using the attributes of this process builder.
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