A one-dimensional array is a list of similar-typed variables. The general form of a one-dimensional array declaration is:
type var-name[ ];
declares the array type. type
also determines the data type of each array element.The following declares an array named days with the type "array of int":
int days[];
is an array variable. null
You allocate memory using new
and assign it to array variables.
is a special operator that allocates memory.
The general form is:
arrayVar = new type[size];
specifies the type of data being allocated.size
specifies the number of elements.arrayVar
is the array variable.The following two statements first create an int type array variable and then allocate memory for it to store 12 int type values.
int days[];
days = new int[12];
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] argv) {
int days[];
days = new int[12];
days[1] = 28;
It is possible to combine the declaration of the array variable with the allocation of the array itself.
int month_days[] = new int[12];
Element Type | Initial Value |
byte | 0 |
int | 0 |
float | 0.0f |
char | '\u0000' |
object reference | null |
short | 0 |
long | 0L |
double | 0.0d |
boolean | false |
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