Using the input Element to Obtain a Boolean Response

The checkbox type of the input element creates a check box that allows the user to make a true/false choice. This value for the type attribute supports the additional attributes shown in the following table.

AttributeDescriptionNew in HTML5
checkedthis attribute ensures that the check box is checked initially.No
requiredfor input validation.Yes
valueSpecifies the data value submitted to the server when the check box is checked; defaults to on.No
      <form method="post" action="http://yourServer/form">
                  <label for="name"> Name: <input value="Mark" id="name"
                        name="name" />
                  <label for="password"> Password: <input type="password"
                        placeholder="Min 6 characters" id="password" name="password" />
                  <label for="fave"> Choice: <input value="choice" id="fave" name="fave" />
                  <label for="veggie"> Are you vegetarian: <input
                        type="checkbox" id="veggie" name="veggie" />
            <input type="submit" value="Submit Vote" />
Click to view this demo.
  HTML CSS Book 

input Restricted:
  1. Using the input Element to Restrict Data Entry
  2. Using the input element to obtain a number
  3. Using input Element to Obtain a Number in a Given Range
  4. Using the input Element to Obtain a Boolean Response
  5. Using the input Element to Create Fixed Choices
  6. Using the input Element to Obtain email address
  7. Using the input element to obtain telephone number
  8. Using the input Element to Obtain url
  9. Using the input element to obtain times and dates
  10. Using the input Element to Obtain a Color
  11. Using the input Element to Obtain Search Terms
  12. Using the input element to create hidden data items
  13. Using the input Element to Create Image Buttons and Maps
  14. Using the input element to upload files