Setting the Fill & Stroke Styles

When we set a style using the fillStyle or strokeStyle properties, we can specify a color using the CSS color values, using either a name or a color model.

canvas {
      border: thin solid black;
      margin: 4px
      <canvas id="canvas" width="500" height="500"> 
      Your browser doesn't support the <code>canvas</code> element 
            var ctx = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d");
            var offset = 10;
            var size = 50;
            var count = 3;
            ctx.lineWidth = 3;
            var fillColors = [ "black",  "red", "blue" ];
            var strokeColors = [ "rgb(20,20,20)", "rgb(255, 20, 20)", "rgb(0, 0, 255)" ];
            for ( var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                  ctx.fillStyle = fillColors[i];
                  ctx.strokeStyle = strokeColors[i];
                  ctx.fillRect(i * (offset + size) + offset, offset, size, size);
                  ctx.strokeRect(i * (offset + size) + offset, (2 * offset) + size,size, size);
Click to view this demo.
  HTML CSS Book 

  1. Getting Started with the Canvas Element
  2. Getting a Canvas Context
  3. Drawing Rectangles
  4. Canvas Drawing State
  5. Setting the Line Join Style
  6. Using Gradients
  7. Using Patterns
  8. Using smaller shapes with an image pattern
  9. Drawing Images
  10. Using Video Images
  11. Using Canvas Images
  12. Setting the Fill & Stroke Styles
  13. Saving and Restoring Drawing State
  14. Drawing Using Paths
  15. Drawing Arcs
  16. Drawing Bezier Curves
  17. Drawing Text
  18. Using Shadows
  19. Using Transparency