Embedding Another HTML Document

The iframe element embeds another HTML document within the existing one.

        <a href="http://google.com" target="frame">google.com</a> 
        <a href="http://java2s.com" target="frame">java2s.com</a> 
        <iframe name="myframe" width="300" height="100"> 

The code created an iframe with a name attribute value of frame. A browsing context called myframe is created.

The width and height attributes specify the size in pixels. We can use this browsing context with the target attribute of other elements:a, form, button, input, and base.

The src attribute specifies a URL that should be loaded and displayed in the iframe initially. The srcdoc attribute allows you to define an HTML document to display inline.

        <iframe src="http://google.com" width="300" height="100"> 
Click to view this demo.

HTML5 introduces two new attributes for the iframe element. The first, seamless, instructs the browser to display the iframe contents as though they were an integral part of the main HTML document.

        <iframe seamless src="http://google.com" width="300" height="100"> 
Click to view this demo.

The second attribute, sandbox, applies restrictions to the HTML document. When the attribute is applied with no value, like this:

        <iframe sandbox src="http://google.com" width="300" height="100"> 
Click to view this demo.

The following are disabled for sandbox:

  • scripts
  • forms
  • plugins
  • links that target other browsing contexts

The content in the iframe is treated as though it originated from a different source than the rest of the HTML document. This enforces additional security measures.

You can enable individual features by defining values for the sandbox attribute, like this:

        <iframe sandbox="allow-forms" src="http://google.com" width="300" height="100"> 
Click to view this demo.

The set of values that can be used with sandbox

allow-formsEnables forms
allow-scriptsEnables scripts
allow-top-navigationAllows links that target the top-level browsing contexts
allow-same-originAllows content in the iframe to be treated as though it originated from the same location as the rest of the document
  HTML CSS Book 
