Property List

@font-facea web font(CSS3)
@keyframesone or more key frames for an animation (CSS3)
animationShorthand property for animations (CSS3)
animation-delaya delay before an animation starts (CSS3)
animation-directionhow alternate repeats of an animation are performed (CSS3)
animation-durationthe duration of an animation (CSS3)
animation-iterationcountthe number of times an animation will be repeated (CSS3)
animation-namethe name for an animation (CSS3)
animation-play-stateplaying or is paused (CSS3)
animation-timingfunctionthe function to calculate values between key frames(CSS3)
backgroundall background values.
background-attachmentbackground attachment, useful for scrolling regions.
background-clipSets the area where the background color and image are visible. (CSS3)
background-colorbackground color.
background-imagethe image for the background.
Sets the point for the background image. (CSS3)
background-positionPositions the image.
background-repeatthe repeat style for the background image.
background-sizethe size for the background image. (CSS3)
borderall border values for all edges.
border-bottomall border values for the bottom border.
border-bottom-colorthe color for the bottom border.
border-bottom-leftradiusthe corner radius for curved borders. (CSS3)
border-bottom-rightradiusthe corner radius for curved borders. (CSS3)
border-bottom-stylestyle for the bottom border.
border-bottom-widthwidth for the bottom border.
border-collapsethe display style for borders on adjacent table cells
border-colorthe border color for all edges.
border-imagefor image-based borders. (CSS3)
border-image-outsetthe area outside the border box used for displaying the image. (CSS3)
border-image-repeatthe repeat style for the border image. (CSS3)
border-image-slicethe offsets for the image slices. (CSS3)
border-image-sourcethe source for the border image. (CSS3)
border-image-widththe width of the image border. (CSS3)
border-leftleft border shorthand.
border-left-colorthe color for left border.
border-left-stylethe style for the left border.
border-left-widththe width for the left border.
border-radiusShorthand for curved border. (CSS3)
border-rightShorthand for the right border.
border-right-colorthe color for the right border.
border-right-stylethe style for the right border.
border-right-widththe width of the right border.
border-spacingthe spacing between table cell borders
border-stylethe style shorthand for all borders.
border-topShorthand for the top border.
border-top-colorthe color of the top border.
border-top-left-radiusthe radius for a corner for curved borders. (CSS3)
border-top-right-radiusthe radius for a corner used for curved borders. (CSS3)
border-top-stylethe style for the top border.
border-top-widththe width for the top border.
border-widththe width for all borders.
bottomthe bottom-edge offset for a positioned element.
box-shadowone or more drop shadows. (CSS3)
box-sizingthe box size-related properties (CSS3)
caption-sidethe position of a table caption
clearClears one or both edges for a floating element
colorthe foreground color
column-countthe number of columns in a multicolumn layout. (CSS3)
column-fillhow content should be distributed between columns. (CSS3)
column-gapthe distance between columns. (CSS3)
column-ruleShorthand to define the rule between columns. (CSS3)
column-rule-colorthe color of the rule. (CSS3)
column-rule-stylethe style of the rule. (CSS3)
column-rule-widththe width of the rule. (CSS3)
column-spanhow many columns an element should span. (CSS3)
column-widththe width of columns. (CSS3)
columnsShorthand for setting the column-span and column-width. (CSS3)
cursorthe cursor style
directionthe text directionality
displayhow the element is displayed.
displaythe type of an element's box
empty-cellshow borders are drawn on empty table cells
flex-alignfor flexible box layout. (CSS3)
flex-directionfor flexible box layout. (CSS3)
flex-orderfor flexible box layout. (CSS3)
flex-packfor flexible box layout. (CSS3)
floatShifts an element to the left or right edge
fontthe font details in a single declaration
font-familythe list of font families in order of preference
font-sizethe size of the font
font-stylenormal, italic...
font-variantif the font should be displayed in small caps form
font-weightthe boldness
heightthe height
leftthe left-edge offset for a positioned element.
letter-spacingthe space between letters
line-heightthe height of a line
list-stylea list style
list-style-imagean image as a list marker
list-style-positionthe list marker position relative to a list item
list-style-typethe marker type for a list
marginShorthand property for the margin in all four directions
margin-bottomthe margin for the bottom
margin-leftthe margin for the left edge
margin-rightthe margin for the right edge
margin-topthe margin for the top edge
max-heightSets the maximum height for the element
max-widththe maximum width
min-heightthe minimum height
min-widththe minimum width
opacitythe transparency (CSS3)
outlineShorthand property for the outline in a single declaration.
outline-coloroutline color .
outline-offsetthe offset of the outline.
outline-stylethe style of the outline.
outline-widththe width of the outline.
overflowShorthand for the overflow style
overflow-xoverflowing content on the x-axis (CSS3)
overflow-yoverflowing content on the y-axis (CSS3)
paddingShorthand for the padding in all four directions
padding-bottomthe padding for the bottom
padding-leftthe padding for the left
padding-rightthe padding for the right
padding-topthe padding for the top
positionthe positioning method.
rightthe right-edge offset.
table-layouthow the size of a table is determined
text-alignthe alignment of text
text-decorationthe decoration of text
text-indentthe indentation of text
text-justifythe justification of text
text-shadowa drop shadow for text (CSS3)
text-transformtransformation to text
topthe top-edge offset.
transforma transform to apply(CSS3)
transform-originan origin of a transform(CSS3)
transitionShorthand property for transitions (CSS3)
transition-delaya delay before the transition starts (CSS3)
transition-durationthe duration of a transition (CSS3)
transition-propertyproperties to be transitioned (CSS3)
transition-timingfunctionthe function to calculate intermediate values during the transition (CSS3)
visibilitythe visibility for an element
widththe width
word-spacingthe spacing between words
z-indexthe front-to-back order.
  HTML CSS Book 
    CSS Reference  

CSS Reference:
  1. Property List
  2. CSS values
  3. CSS Selectors List