Standard Xml documentation tags

<summary>...</summary>A single phrase or sentence summary.
<remarks>...</remarks>Additional text that describes the type or member.
<param name="name">...</param>Explains a parameter on a method.
<returns>...</returns>Explains the return value for a method.
<exception [cref="type"]>...</exception>Lists an exception that a method may throw.
<permission [cref="type"]>...</permission>Indicates an IPermission type required by the documented type or member.
<example>...</example>Denotes an example.
<c>...</c>Indicates an inline code snippet.
<code>...</code>Indicates a multiline code sample.
<see cref="member">...</see>Inserts an inline cross-reference to another type or member.
<seealso cref="member">...</seealso>Cross-references another type or member.
<paramref name="name"/> References a parameter from within a <summary> or <remarks> tag.
<list type=[ bullet | number | table ]><listheader><term>...</term><description>...</description></listheader><item><term>...</term><description>...</description></item></list>Instructs documentation generators to emit a bulleted, numbered, or table-style list.
<para>...</para>Format the contents into a separate paragraph.
<include> Merges an external XML file that contains documentation.  | Contact Us | Privacy Policy
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